Feb 05, 2025
Yakima Valley College Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MUSC& 221: Ear Training 4 2 Cr Quarters: F This course is designed to prepare students in singing, sightsinging and dictation skills necessary for the performance and teaching of tonal music. This course focuses on moderate rhythmic dictation, interval, compound conducting patterns, solfege/note names, scales, M m + * chords including V7 with inversions, 2-voice melodic dictation in a 4-part texture with chordal analysis, moderate chordal progressions, cadences, and practical keyboard applications. This course supplements corresponding music theory and will serve as a lab reinforcing the aural components. This is the fourth in a sequence of six classes required for all music majors pursuing a Music AA-DTA. Prerequisite: Completion of MUSC& 123 with a grade of C or better.