Feb 16, 2025  
Yakima Valley College Catalog 2021-2022 
Yakima Valley College Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Resources


The YVC Bookstore is centrally located in the southeast corner of the Hopf Union Building. The bookstore provides required and recommended textbooks, a full selection of school supplies, reference materials, and study aids. In addition, general books, snack items, gifts, and imprinted clothing are available. Students can purchase textbooks online at: www.YVCCBookstore.com. Personal checks are not accepted.

Textbook Refund/Buy-back

  • Refunds on textbooks are processed during the first two weeks of each quarter and with a bookstore receipt. Refunds on textbooks during the second week require an original bookstore receipt and a drop slip. The textbooks must be in the original condition including the shrink wrap and codes unopened.
  • Textbook buy-back is conducted on the Yakima Campus during final exam week of each quarter. No receipt is required, but a valid YVC Student I.D. is required.

       Go to www.YVCC.bncollege.com for hours of operation and textbook buy-back dates.

Career Connection Center

The Career Connection Center at YVC is committed to connecting individuals interested in improving their job skills through specialized training with resources to help them be successful students.

The Career Connection Center provides a single entry point for individuals seeking career guidance, educational assessment, skills training, and financial assistance. Through a variety of educational programs and special funding sources YVC offers opportunities to individuals interested in gaining the skills they need to join today’s workforce. For additional information visit www.YVCC.edu/CCC

Certified Training Programs

Certified training programs may be available through the Career Connection Center. Contact the phone numbers listed in the directory for more information or visit www.YVCC.edu/CCC

Computing Locations

Student Computing Resources

Students have access to computers and printing for drop-in, instructional-supporting, word processing assignments, and other college related assignments as introduced by instruction. Students will also have web/internet access. Open hours may vary by week, quarters, and may be closed on campus holidays.

In the following locations:

Yakima Campus: Raymond Library, HUB Quiet area
Grandview Campus: Library, L116 computer lab and testing

To ensure the delivery of an accessible, sustainable, secure and cost-effective print service for the college. YVC will be implementing print management solutions. A quarterly print quota will be set and subject to change as the campus collects more data on printing.

Student Testing Resources

Students will have access to computing resources for testing purposes in support of instructional outcomes.

In the following locations:

Yakima Campus: DECCIO Higher Education Center rooms 208 and 230
Grandview: L116 Computer Lab

Counseling & Advising Center

The Counseling & Advising Center offers various resources designed to assist students to achieve academic success, acquire skills for employment, improve personal well-being, and develop effective skills for interacting in a diverse environment. Counseling services are available at no cost to registered YVC students. Services available through the Counseling & Advising Center include:

  • Academic advising
  • Decision-making regarding career and life goals
  • College survival and study skills
  • Transfer information 
  • Strategies for dealing with the fear of testing and new situations
  • Student advocacy 
  • Short-term personal counseling

The Counseling & Advising Center is located in the Deccio Higher Education Center, Room 008-164. For information about Grandview Campus counseling services, call the number in the directory.

The purpose of advising at YVC is to assist students in making appropriate choices that will help them reach their academic and career goals. Advising is a shared responsibility between the student and the academic advisor. All students are assigned a faculty advisor based on their academic pathway. Students have the opportunity to meet with their advisor to develop a plan for their education and to ensure they are on the right track for graduation.

Mandatory Advising for New Students

All new students are required to meet with a pathway advisor until they have successfully completed 30 college-level credits. After 30 college-level credits and the mandatory requirement has been meet it is highly recommended that students continue to seek quarterly advising.

Transfer and Returning Students

  • Transfer and returning students will be advised their first quarter and until they have met the 30 credit criteria for new students. Once the requirement has been met they can be released from mandatory advising by their academic advisor.

Changing your Major or Program

  • Students who choose to change their major or program must fill out a “Change in Major form”. These forms are located in Registration or the Counseling & Advising Office.

Obtaining Information on Requirements

The student has the right to seek academic advice when planning a course of study; however, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to read the catalog; check the requirements for his/her degree, certificate, or graduation; and contact any schools to which transfer is anticipated.

The course catalog can be viewed online at www.YVCC.edu/Catalog. The student should become familiar with the catalog and the admission, registration, and academic requirements contained within. YVC occasionally hosts Transfer Fairs attended by four-year colleges and universities. This is an opportunity for students to discuss transferring with representatives from those colleges and universities. It is also advised to visit the other college and university’s websites for more information.

YVC provides abundant reference materials for the student and faculty advisor to use, but the final responsibility rests with the student.

Disability Support Services

YVC is committed to providing access for all students wishing to attend its campuses and complies with Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As part of this commitment, the college’s Disability Support Services (DSS) program works individually with qualifying students by providing classroom accommodations, access to adaptive equipment, and barrier-free facilities. DSS is in the Deccio Higher Education Center, 008 in room 140. For more information call 509.574.4961 or visit www.yvcc.edu/service/dss/


YVC offers deaf and hard-of-hearing students Vp technology to replace TTY services. The Vp connects users to an interpreter relay service that enables them to call any phone number and communicate effectively. Yakima Campus has a Vp in the Deccio Higher Education Center, Room C138, that deaf and hard-of-hearing students can access. There will be a Vp at Grandview Campus in the near future. For more information, call the coordinator for special populations at the number listed in the directory.

Honors Program

YVC’s Honors Program creates opportunities across diverse disciplines for intellectually motivated students to challenge themselves. A wide range of classes will be offered with honors options for fall, winter and spring quarters. We anticipate that at least one course will be offered with an honors option in each of the following programs:

  • American Sign Language
  • Anthropology
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Psychology

Students wishing to pursue their intellectual and academic passions, work closely with a faculty mentor in guided research opportunities, and participate in a community of scholars. Scholars at YVC will be asked by the YVC’s Honors Program to:

  • Complete an application, which includes eligibility for college-level mathematics and ENGL& 101 , current grade point average of 3.3, statement of intent, and letters of recommendation.
  • Negotiate an honors contract with an honors instructor, which will establish the agreed upon terms for earning honors credit.

As a community college, YVC serves a diverse student body. The Honors Program recognizes this diversity and allows for faculty to sponsor promising students who may not meet all of the eligibility requirements. Note that the program is still in its infancy, so particulars will be revised as new issues arise and participation increases.

For more information, contact Dr. Heidi Shaw at hshaw@YVCC.edu or 509.574.4812.

Library & Media Services

Raymond Library and the Media Center are located on the Yakima campus in Raymond Hall. The library provides services for students, faculty, and staff, including finding answers to questions, helping with research projects, and helping to locate and use library databases and print resources. 

Librarians are available to work one-on-one with students, give tours, provide orientations and teach research classes. The library also provides “Ask a Librarian,” a 24-hour service to submit questions via email or live chat sessions.

The library collection, specifically selected to support the college curriculum, includes over 45,000 print books; online access to several thousand full-text newspapers, magazines, journals and reference books; and over 100,000 e-books and audiobooks.  Books and articles not available through the YVC library may generally be borrowed via interlibrary loan from another library.

The library has 77 computers for students to use, headphones, Wi-Fi, color printing, black and white printing, and both black and white and color photocopiers. Students may also fax or scan documents. There is a paper punch, stapler, paper cutter, and other tools to help complete projects and papers.

Media Services, located on the second floor of Raymond Hall in the media center, has a wide range of services designed to support student learning. Media equipment and DVDs may be checked out by faculty. Students may view DVDs in the media center’s five group study rooms. Hundreds of streaming videos are also available for viewing on and off campus. Laptop computers and hotspots may be borrowed by currently enrolled students. The second floor also has a large study room, wireless access, and the library online classroom.

The library and media center collections can be accessed via the library homepage, https://www.yvcc.edu/services/library.

Grandview Library

Grandview Library, situated on the YVC Grandview Campus, is a joint partnership of YVC and the city of Grandview serving the community, faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students of YVC.

The library contains over 40,000 items for all ages as well as scholarly volumes specifically selected to support the college curriculum, online access to several thousand full-text periodicals, print periodicals, and four newspapers.

A wide variety of popular and documentary DVDs are available for check out, as are books on CD. Downloadable audiobooks and e-books are available through the library’s website at https://www.grandview.wa.us/departments/library. Staff is available to assist with questions regarding e-media and use of personal e-readers.

Interlibrary loan may be available for materials not owned by the library. The library has 25 computer workstations available, Wi-Fi capability, 2 study rooms which seat up to 6, and a Program Room which seats 32. Ten laptops are available for student use through regular check out procedures. A copy machine/printer is available for black and white printing. Scanning is also available.

The library houses the Blanche McLane Cook Art Library which contains art works and a continually updated print collection using monies left in trust. This trust also sponsors an art scholarship.

Reference help is always available, as are tours and orientations with sufficient notice. Organized tours for both students and community groups are available by reservation and can be tailored to fit the needs of the requester.

Due to the unique nature of the library, there are children’s events and activities throughout the year and a monthly adult book discussion group hosted by the Friends of Grandview Library.

Mathematics Center

The math centers, located on the first floor of Glenn Anthon Hall in room 101 on the Yakima Campus and in L102 at Grandview Campus, provide drop-in instructional support for classes from arithmetic through calculus.

Math Department instructors and instructional technicians provide individualized assistance to address students’ questions about topics from their mathematics courses and other mathematics-related courses. Help is also provided through computer/CD instruction focusing on concept development and guided practice. Resources such as calculators, textbooks, manipulatives, math-related materials, and supplemental written materials are available to students in the study areas of the center.

Hours are posted at the center each quarter. For further information, check online at www.YVCC.edu/MathCenter or call the phone number in the directory.

Speech and Language Lab

The Speech and Language Lab, located in Palmer Martin 202 on the Yakima Campus, provides a non-judgmental environment to help students use various audio and visual media to prepare and practice oral presentations and other communication skills such as American Sign Language. The lab is open Monday through Friday. For more information, call the phone number in the directory.

TRIO Programs

Upward Bound and Student Support Services (SSS) assist low-income, first-generation college students and students with disabilities in overcoming class, social, academic, and cultural barriers to higher education. TRIO programs are funded entirely by the U.S. Department of Education.

TRIO Student Support Services

TRIO Student Support Service-s provides a structured first-year experience that makes transition into college easier. The program also provides tutoring, counseling, academic advising, transfer assistance and other support services that help students achieve their degrees. For more information, visit www.YVCC.edu/TRiOSS

Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a precollege program that offers counseling, tutoring, and learning skills classes to support the educational efforts of students from Sunnyside, Granger, Toppenish, and Wapato high schools. Upward Bound also offers a six-week, residential summer college experience. For more information, visit www.YVCC.edu/UpwardBound

Tutoring Center

Tutoring is available in small group, drop-in, direct one-on-one, and online peer tutoring formats. The tutoring center on the Yakima Campus is located in the Raymond Hall Building, room 202. Tutoring services are also available in Grandview. Part-time employment is available for students who qualify as tutors. Students who are interested are encouraged to visit the tutoring center for information regarding academic help or employment. Hours are posted at the center each quarter. For more information, check online at www.YVCC.edu/Tutoring

Writing Center

The writing centers, located on the first floor of Glenn Anthon Hall in room 125 on the Yakima Campus and in room 101 at the Grandview Campus, provide YVC students one-on-one assistance with their writing projects for any course, academic or vocational. Writing consultants meet with students to read, listen, talk about ideas, and help students assess the strengths and weaknesses of their writing. Consultants also can suggest strategies for generating ideas, planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Students who use the writing center should bring a copy of their assignment with them and any corresponding notes, drafts, and portable storage devices.

Hours for both locations are listed on the website at www.YVCC.edu/Owl. For further information, call the phone number in the directory.

Online Writing Center

The Online Writing Center allows YVC students to receive feedback on their writing projects outside the hours of the writing centers. Through the site, students may submit drafts or ask writing-related questions. Consultants will then email students a response, usually within 48 hours. Visit www.YVCC.edu/Owl