Feb 16, 2025
Yakima Valley College Catalog 2024-2025
High School Diploma
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High School Diploma-High School Plus Program
Students can earn high school credit from Adult Basic Education or college-level courses to earn an adult high school diploma. As students show competency in specific subject areas, YVC will grant high school credit. YVC recognizes high school credits students have earned. Students may also earn high school credit based on prior knowledge through training and/or work experience. Then students can earn the rest of the credits they need by taking classes at YVC. Students do not have to pass the high school state assessment or complete a senior project. To earn a high school diploma, students must earn appropriate credits in core subject areas including demonstrating a proficiency in English and math. Upon completion of their high school diploma, students can enroll directly into credit-bearing college level courses. Requesting a High School Diploma when completing an Associate Degree SHB 1758 was approved by the legislature and took effect July 2009 to expand options for students to earn high school diplomas. A community or technical college may issue a high school diploma or certificate as provided under this section: - An individual 21 years or older, who earns any type of associate degree from a Washington State community and technical college shall be awarded a state high school diploma from the college upon written request from the student.
- An individual enrolled through Running Start who satisfactorily completes any type of associate degree from a Washington State community and technical college shall be awarded a state high school diploma from the college upon written request from the student.
For more information, please contact YVC’s Office of Registration & Records at registration@yvcc.edu or reference the phone directory in this catalog. |
Return to: ABE/ELA/HS Completion/GED