If you are interested in working in medical careers, you can choose the Healthcare Pathway. This pathway offers training in direct patient care such as Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Veterinary work. It also offers career training in related fields such as Medical Billing, Pharmacy, and Radiology. Experts in the many degrees and certificates can help you choose which degree or certificate will best lead to your ultimate goal. If you are interested in becoming a doctor, dentist, or veterinarian, you should choose the STEM pathway.
As with all the pathways, you may choose to move to a different pathways at any time. If you so choose, and advisor can help you.
*YVC offers Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university. Following is a list of the degrees offered by YVC: Associate in Arts - Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA), Associate in Business - Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Ready Pathway (AB-DTA/MRP), Associate in Science - Transfer Track 1 (AS-T T1), and Associate in Science - Transfer Track 2 (AS-T T2). All public and most private universities in Washington State have agreed to accept transfer students who have earned these degrees, with junior standing upon admission. Admission to a specific major is not guaranteed, but completing a transfer degree with an area of interest can better prepare a student for admission to a major program of study. Ask your YVC advisor about how to plan your Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree around one of these areas of emphasis.
I-BEST Opportunities
Allied Health Technology
Associate of Applied Science
Certificate of Achievement
Dental Assisting
Certificate of Achievement
Dental Hygiene
Bachelor of Applied Science
Associate in Nursing - Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Ready Pathway
Radiologic Sciences
Advance Certificate
Associate of Applied Science
Veterinary Technology
Associate of Applied Science