Choosing a college in which to pursue higher education is a very important decision. This catalog provides information to assist you in determining how the mission, programs, and services provided by Yakima Valley College (YVC) can best prepare you to achieve your educational and career goals. This catalog is a very important tool for your success. It contains valuable information such as policies and procedures, program requirements, and course descriptions.
Since it began in 1928, YVC has focused continually on student success. We value our role in building the future of the Yakima Valley. Our part in that future is tied to the success of every student who enters our doors. You may be enrolled in Yakima, Grandview, one of our many learning centers, or through web-based classes. However and wherever you learn, know that we are committed to providing access, instructional and technological quality, and the support services that will ensure your success. The influence of our college reverberates throughout our community and state in the contributions and accomplishments of our graduates.
Whether you have come to us for a high school diploma or GED, language proficiency, job skills, transfer programs, or to earn a bachelor’s degree, meeting your needs is our primary mission. YVC’s excellent faculty and staff, as well as our community partners of the Yakima Valley, will assist you in acquiring the knowledge needed to be a skilled professional or continue your educational journey.

Linda Kaminski, Ed. D